Clark Computer Services is a perfect blend of competence and customer services. We all know “great people” who do IT support, but if they can’t get the job done, that’s a problem.
Seakay has projects across the country, so reliable connectivity among our field and office staff is critical. Clark manages and monitors our cloud storage system to be sure that information is right at our team’s fingertips whenever they need it. They take care of setting up new equipment, including laptops, ToughBooks, tablets, and SmartPhones. They are also in charge of security and access, always ensuring that the right people can get to the right information at the right time. As employees leave the company and new ones are hired, our needs in this area tend to be fluid — Clark is top-notch at staying on top of all of this.
We’ve been working with Clark Computer Services for nearly 13 years, and there has never been an issue they haven’t been able to solve or a time when they have not been available to us. That kind of reliability is rare — and we value it very highly.
I would highly recommend Clark Computer Services to any business looking for a competent, responsive IT partner who makes excellent customer service they’re top priority.
— Sam Ott, Chief Financial Officer