Technology Move Services
As exciting as moving into a new office can be, getting your computers, servers, peripherals, and network equipment moved can be nerve-wracking. Let us take the stress out of it for you with our Technology Move Services.
Get a Technology Move Team
Why do you need Technology Move Services? When you start calling around, you’ll find that movers don’t like to touch technology and don’t have the experience, skills, or knowledge to set it up in the new location. Very quickly, the question of who can tear down your network and get it set up and working again can get overwhelming. While you’re already dealing with all the other move logistics, that’s additional stress you don’t need.
We take your anxiety away with our proven move processes. From start to finish, CLARK will take ownership of the technology move and do everything from reviewing your new office space to working with your vendors to making sure that everything is ready for your employees to get to work in the new location.
Our Technology Move Services Cover:
Whether you have a total tenant fit-out or are just making minor modifications, we can help review the blueprints to make sure the space is IT-friendly. From inspecting the IT room/closet to include everything you need – such as proper power and cooling – to ensuring that you have data and voice drops everywhere they’re needed, getting it right in the planning stages will save lots of headaches later. When you’re ready to move, we’ll conduct site visits at the new and old locations to know what needs to be moved and where.
With our Cabling Services, you won’t have to go elsewhere to have someone install the low voltage cabling for data, voice, security, and more. Our knowledge of IT infrastructure will ensure that you have the proper data runs and all the connection points you’ll need for every device. We work with your contractors to ensure that our move services are integrated into the construction phase so that everything gets done on time and correctly.
When it’s time to move, we always find things we forgot we had. With IT equipment, that could mean an essential device tucked away in a corner or old equipment that you no longer need, so shouldn’t pay to move. Before getting started, we’ll go through your existing site, conducting a complete IT inventory and labeling every device before the move to ensure that nothing gets lost or misplaced.
We want to make sure everything makes the move safely, so we’ll take care of transporting ALL of your technology! In addition to the network equipment, servers, and workstations, we’ll move your phone system, printers, wireless access points, and conference room equipment, and even install or reinstall security equipment. Basically, if it requires an electrical or data connection, our experienced technicians will handle it.
When it comes to contacting all of your IT contractors and vendors to ensure that your internet and phone services are moved to the new location on your schedule, we've got you covered. During the move, we work with your moving company, inserting CLARK into their processes. From experience, we discovered that the move goes much more smoothly when we coordinate our activities so that the furniture and racks are there when it’s time to set everything up. With so much already on your plate, we’ll manage the process for you.
Moving to a new space will disrupt routine workflows as everyone gets used to the change, so it’s crucial to avoid connectivity issues. Once your move is complete, we’ll test and verify that everything works and be on standby to make sure that your employees can start working in your new space with as few issues as possible.

Our move process is checklist-driven to ensure that nothing ever gets missed. We’ve been moving technology for small and medium businesses since 2003 and our commitment to making Customer Service our Highest Priority ensures that our customers are satisfied with the results.
Ask us for references! We love it when our clients talk about their experiences with us – and we are very proud of our stellar 5-Star reputation, not only in IT support but also in technology moves!
Get rid of the anxiety involved with moving your technology, and let CLARK handle it for you! You won’t regret it!