Clark Computer Services

Sydney’s Helpful Microsoft Outlook Tips: Setting Up Signatures for Email

Microsoft Outlook Tips:
Setting Up Signatures

Sydney's seminar

Using a professional-looking signature is essential in business, but setting up signatures in Microsoft Outlook can be challenging.

Business relationships are often more virtual than personal, and email is the most common form of communication. With that in mind, we want to be sure to include contact and branding information in all emails to vendors, clients, and external stakeholders. In the last edition of Sydney’s Seminar, I explained how to set an Out of Office message in Microsoft Outlook, and I’m continuing this series of Outlook tips by explaining how to set up Signatures in this blog.

Outlook Tips: Setting Up Signatures | Sydney's Seminar | Outlook Tips: Setting Up Signatures | Sydney's Seminar | Microsoft Outlook Tips: Setting Up Signatures email signatures sample image


Many users struggle to find where you can configure your signature in Outlook. In truth, finding the setup wizard is half the battle. To locate these settings, click on the ‘File’ button in the upper lefthand corner of Outlook. The Account Information screen should appear with a blue vertical banner on the left. At the bottom of this banner, click the ‘Options’ button. The lefthand banner shows a list of categories where you can find settings. To configure signatures, click the ‘Mail’ option, which is second from the top.

The screen on the right should read “Change the settings for messages you create and receive.”

In the third button down on the light side, you’ll find the title ‘Signatures…’ This is where you create or modify email signatures.


Now that you’re here, you’re halfway done.

In the Signatures and Stationery box, also called the setting wizard, you can edit Email Signatures on the first tab. One of the great features you’ll find here is the ability to have different signatures for various types of emails.

Let’s get into it. To create a new signature, click ‘New’ and add a name for the signature. In my example, I titled it “Replies,” as this will be the signature I want to show when replying to an email rather than sending an initial email.

In the text box, you can create and style the signature. If your company has a signature template to match its branding policies, it can be easily copied and pasted into the field, allowing you to edit and personalize.

When creating a signature yourself with no guidelines, you can control the font, size, color, and alignment of the signature and add images and links. Typically, a good email signature has your first and last name, affiliation info (company, job title, department, etc.), contact information (physical address, email address, phone number, etc.), social media profile links, and a logo.

Here’s a Pro Tip, if you’re having difficulties formatting your signature in this box, build it in a new email or Microsoft Word. After it’s formatted the way you want, copy and paste it into the signature wizard.

Once you’re happy with the signature, be sure to click ‘Save.’

After you save it, highlight the signature in the upper box and choose your default settings to the right. Make sure the signature is assigned to the correct email account, and decide if you want this signature to go to all new messages and/or replies/forwards. Once you’re done, click ‘Save’ again and exit the wizard by clicking ‘Okay’ on the bottom right.


Once you finish with the signature, this is also a great place to edit your Personal Stationery, which is simply the default formatting of your email messages. When you click on this tab in the ‘Signatures and Stationery’ settings wizard, you’ll see four sections.

Section one, titled “Theme or Stationery for new HTML email message,” simply allows you to choose a preset format for your email. After clicking the ‘Theme…’ button, you’ll see a long list of options. These themes set a default heading, bullet list, horizontal line, link appearance, and background. Because it is a theme, it could even change the default font unless you change the drop-down menu to ‘Always use my fonts’ or ‘Use my font when replying and forwarding messages.’ If you want to change the font, keep reading.

Sections two and three allow you to choose a font for new mail and replies/forwards, respectively. After you click the ‘Font…’ button, choose the font, style, size, color, underline style and color, and effects (strikethrough subscript, etc.). Clicking on the ‘Advanced’ tab allows you to change the spacing and OpenType features, but if you’re not sure what that is, it’s probably best to leave the default settings as you could make the fonts unreadable.

Finally, section four is used to change the font for composing and reading plain text messages. Essentially, this changes the font to one you prefer when working with emails in your view, but the font that other people view from sent messages is the original or default font.

Once you’re done making changes, don’t forget to clickOK.’

At Clark Computer Services, we love working with our clients to teach them all the ingenious ways to use Office 365 applications to make work easier. For additional information or training on Microsoft Outlook or other similar applications, never hesitate to email us at or call us at 301-456-6931.
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