Clark Computer Services

Communication Platforms are being Targeted by Cybercriminals

Communications Platforms are being targeted

Chuck's Cyber Wall

Communications platforms are being targeted by cybercriminals with far more success than most people realize. With many people still working remotely, whether fully or as a hybrid option, workers rely on the digital world to work, shop, interact, and communicate. And if you’re an introvert (like me), you likely use your computer to order pizza and send messages instead of making phone calls.

Unfortunately, hackers are like the sharks of the digital world. It’s their primary element, and they are always seeking new ways to make you their next victim.

In the Clark Report we’ve talked about Phishing, Ransomware, and Antivirus programs. We’ve explained what to do when you’ve been Hacked. Cybersecurity is one of those topics we can’t discuss enough because it’s constantly evolving and ever-present. Each time we find a way to stop the hackers, they find a new way to attack!


Instant messages. Text messages. Facebook messages. News articles. Webinars. Meeting invites. All of these and more are targets that hackers are using to try to trick you into clicking on their links.

Every month, law enforcement takes down around 2,500 links to websites, social media, online marketplaces, and ads with scams. Experts estimate that for each one that is taken down, two more are ready to take its place. Scammers are using common logos, like ABC News, US Mail, and the Federal Government, to trick you into clicking on their links. Most of the attacks revolve around fear, anger, and greed to get us to take action without thinking.

Communication Platforms are Targeted | Chuck's Cyber Wall | Communication Platforms are Targeted | Chuck's Cyber Wall | Chuck's Cyber Wall: Communication Platforms are being Targeted image of social media icons overlaid with Hacked.

These phishing scams aren’t limited to email. Fake information can be texted to you from almost any number. It can seem to come from someone you know on Facebook, Twitter (X), or Reddit. It’s called Spoofing. Hackers disguise communication from unknown sources to make them look like they are coming from someone that you know, and no form of digital communication is safe from it.

On top of this, hackers will set up fake video conference sites and send invites that have generic company logos or information. As soon as you click on it, these sites install malicious code on your computer or use social engineering tactics to steal credentials.


It is. But we’re not helpless in the face of these scammers. It all starts with AWARENESS!

I don’t want to sit here and explain all of the different ways hackers are trying to attack. I’d much rather be talking about cool shortcuts or awesome new technologies, but as the old saying goes, you can’t win if you don’t know the score.

This is how you win.

Be on the lookout for unsolicited messages – no legitimate agency is going to randomly send you a link to provide personal information. Ever.

Question the authenticity of communications – has that person ever sent you that kind of message before? If the answer is no, don’t click on it.

Don’t fall for manufactured urgency – unless you’re doing something like ignoring the electric company, any message that threatens you to do something or miss out is probably a scam (also, you probably shouldn’t ignore the electric company, computers need electricity to live).

Communication Platforms are Targeted | Chuck's Cyber Wall | Communication Platforms are Targeted | Chuck's Cyber Wall | Chuck's Cyber Wall: Communication Platforms are being Targeted image of person viewing multiple monitors hovering in the air with the word Awareness.

If you receive suspicious messages, follow these simple rules:

  • DO NOT click on links; Google the subject or manually go to the website
  • DO NOT provide personal information, make payments, or give bank information
  • It’s best to disregard the message
  • Seriously, if it doesn’t feel right, just delete it!
  • If it’s in a text from an unknown number, block the number
  • On Facebook, Twitter (X), or any other social platform, report the message
  • If you’re not sure, pick up the phone and call; this is a great way to get to the truth
  • If something seems to good to be true, it is—don’t fall for it

Awareness. Awareness. Awareness. We can’t say it enough.


Cybersecurity at home is as important as cybersecurity at work. Whether or not you have a private workspace, lock your work computer when you walk away, and have a strong password that no one in your family knows. When we are discussing communication threats, I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out some other threats: visitors, open phone lines, and home gadgets with live microphones.

Being aware of your surroundings is just as important as being aware of digital threats.

  • Who is currently in your home – are there visitors who can hear you talking?
  • Phones – is someone using a phone nearby that can pick up your conversation? Did your last call disconnect?
  • Do you have an Amazon Echo, Google, Home, Nest Cameras, etc? Though unlikely, while listening for command words, these devices could potentially record snippets of conversations.

If your job includes discussing confidential information, especially medical or legal, you should take steps to mitigate these potential threats, whether physically checking your surroundings or unplugging smart devices while working. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Communication Platforms are Targeted | Chuck's Cyber Wall | Communication Platforms are Targeted | Chuck's Cyber Wall | Chuck's Cyber Wall: Communication Platforms are being Targeted image of connected home with icons.

If you have questions about setting up or securing a home office or any of our services, give CLARK a call at 301-456-6931 or send an email to and see why we are simply the Best Choice in IT Support Services.

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