Clark Computer Services


Small Business

The Clark Report is your source for Small Business Advice, Cybersecurity News and Information, and How-To Guides to help you navigate our digital world.

DC the Computer Guy - Why All Businesses Need Cyber Liability Insurance title image.

Cyber liability insurance is crucial for owners to safeguard their businesses against cyber threats, covering legal fees, operational disruptions, and

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DC the Computer Guy: Hidden Cost of Poor IT Support title card.

Between more aggressive cybercriminals and remote work, getting stuck with poor IT support can dramatically affect productivity, network security, and

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DC the Computer Guy Getting Positive IT Support title card.

To get Positive IT Support, you must have a good business relationship; techs are there to help, but if it

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Important Question you should ask your MSP DC the Computer guy title card.

In this blog, I’m discussing questions you should ask your MSP because IT Services are too important to be one

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Secure yur data in all environments DC the Computer guy title card.

With so many cyber attacks, you need to know how to secure your data in all environments, whether you have

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DC The Computer guy image of Darren with the title Building and Maintaining Positive Business Relationships.

We all know it’s important to Build a Positive Business Relationship, and DC the Computer Guy has some tips on

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Firewall title card for Chuck's Cyber Wall

A Firewall is a vital part of a secure network, especially in a small business, but too few people understand

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Technology Moves Don't Have to Be Hard Logo Image for DC the Computer Guy

When moving an office there are already lots of things to worry about, and Technology Moves make everything more complex,

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The IT Business is 80% Personal - DC the Computer Guy Social Image

I’ve been saying that the IT Business is 80% Personal for years, and for us, that means providing Responsive, Professional,

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Why Your Smll Business Needs a Website Sydney's Seminar social title image

In the current internet culture, Every Small Business Needs a Website, without one, you aren’t just missing opportunities, your business

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