Clark Computer Services


Tips and Tricks

The Clark Report is your source for Small Business Advice, Cybersecurity News and Information, and How-To Guides to help you navigate our digital world.

Sydney's Seminar - The Clark Report - Setting up email rules in Microsoft Outlook logo image

Sydney explains how to go about Tidying Up Your Inbox, making it easier to find important emails, and reducing the

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Sydney's Seminar - The Clark Report - Setting up email rules in Microsoft Outlook logo image

Sydney explains setting up Signatures in email, because a good email signature looks good for your business, but lots of

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Microsoft Outlook Tips: Setting Up Signatures social image

Sydney explains setting up Signatures in email, because a good email signature looks good for your business, but lots of

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Microsoft Outlook Tips: Out of Office social image

Microsoft Outlook has many useful features that many people don’t know about, but Sydney has some helpful tips, starting with

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Snip and Sketch A Hidden Gem Dc the Computer Guy Title Card

The ability to screen capture can come in handy in so many different ways, Snip and Sketch is an easy

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Clark Computer Services IT Support Services Sydney's Seminar Helpful Tips for Traveling With Tech

It’s the time of year when we’re all looking forward to getting away but before heading to that vacation destination,

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