Clark Computer Services


December 2022

The Clark Report is your source for Small Business Advice, Cybersecurity News and Information, and How-To Guides to help you navigate our digital world.

A Backup is Essential Chuck's Cyber Wall title card

If you’ve ever lost work, pictures, or data you know how painful it can be, but with a solid backup process, you can recover from

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Google Search Tips DC the Computer Guy Title card

When it comes to using keywords to search online, the results can sometimes be very broad, but with our Google Search Tips, you too can

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SSD vs HDD Which is faster Sydney's Seminar social image

Choosing a storage device is far more important than most people think. The choice between an SSD and HDD not only affects cost, it determines

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Ransomware and Regular People Chuck's Cyber Wall title card

The days when Ransomware was something that just affected large corporations and persons of wealth are long past, and now regular people are primary targets.

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