Clark Computer Services


IT Support

The Clark Report is your source for Small Business Advice, Cybersecurity News and Information, and How-To Guides to help you navigate our digital world.

DC the Computer Guy Clark Clips Dangers of Storing Passwords in web browsers title card.

In this Clark Clips, Darren explains how storing passwords in a web browser makes it easier for hackers to exploit

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DC the Computer Guy Clark Clips IT Inventory title card.

In addition to tracking important assets, a good IT Inventory will help with budgeting, security, and recognizing threats before they

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DC the Computer Guy Clark Clips Early Morning IT Maintenance title card.

Without a solid IT Maintenance plan, you’re asking for performance and security issues. Join Darren in a discussion about its

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DC the Computer Guy - How to Troubleshoot Home Office Technical Problems.

When working from home, nothing brings it all screeching to a halt faster than home office technical problems, but DC

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DC the Computer Guy Stop and Think Before you Click blog title card

I have one simple yet powerful message to stay safe online: Stop and Think before you Click – be secure

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DC the Computer Guy: Hidden Cost of Poor IT Support title card.

Between more aggressive cybercriminals and remote work, getting stuck with poor IT support can dramatically affect productivity, network security, and

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DC the Computer Guy Getting Positive IT Support title card.

To get Positive IT Support, you must have a good business relationship; techs are there to help, but if it

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Chuck's Cyber Wall - When to Call For IT Support

Knowing when to call for IT Support can very often be the difference between recovering from an issue and wallowing

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DC The Computer Guy - Warning Signs Of Bad IT Support

In this ever-changing technological world, there are warning signs of bad IT support, and being able to spot them can

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DC The Computer Guy - Getting Rid of the IT Junk Pile

GETTING RID OF THE IT JUNK PILE DC The Computer Guy The IT Junk Pile! Everyone has one… …and in addition

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