Clark Computer Services


June 2022

The Clark Report is your source for Small Business Advice, Cybersecurity News and Information, and How-To Guides to help you navigate our digital world.

Incident Response Plan Chuck's Cyber Wall The Clark Report social media image

An Incident Response Plan is more than a policy, it is a blueprint for dealing with cybersecurity incidents, and is required for Cyber Insurance, HIPAA,

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Snip and Sketch A Hidden Gem Dc the Computer Guy Title Card

The ability to screen capture can come in handy in so many different ways, Snip and Sketch is an easy program with rich features, already

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Why Your Smll Business Needs a Website Sydney's Seminar social title image

In the current internet culture, Every Small Business Needs a Website, without one, you aren’t just missing opportunities, your business isn’t even in the game.

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Why Your Business Should Consider a Cable Cleanup Dc the Computer Guy Title Card

A Cable Cleanup organizes that mess of tangled wires in your network closet that has a detrimental effect on your IT infrastructure and saves you

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